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It’s Time for a Massage!
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Customized Massage
Experience a customized massage integrating multiple modalities to help your body find healing and relief for your individual needs.
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Massage specialties and
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MART Specialist– Muscle Alignment Restoration Technique. M.A.R.T. involves two processes that occur simultaneously. The M.A.R.T. Specialist moves the muscle into the correct alignment, while at the same time using just the right angle to put pressure on the knots that are causing the pain. Through this technique of movement and constant pressure, the muscle fibers break up, releasing the muscle from its misalignment. The pain subsides as toxins are finally released. The body can then relax as oxygen rushes in to help rebuild the muscle fibers, and old patterns are reprogrammed to work correctly.
Arvigo® Practitioner – ARVIGO® TECHNIQUES OF MAYA ABDOMINAL THERAPY help to restore the body to its natural balance by correcting the position of the organs that have shifted and restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi energy.
Foot Zone Practitioner – Therapy utilizing the ability of your body to heal itself by triggering specific points on your feet, which in turn correspond to various parts of your body. It then sends a message to the affected organ or tissue to signal a healing response from the body.
CranioSacral Therapy – (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. it’s effective for a wide range of problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
Certified Lymph massage – Gentle massage which helps to manually move the lymph system to help the body clear toxins and waste to help boost the immune system, relieve inflammation and increase healing.
Prenatal massage – Massage for the pregnant woman. Usually done side lying with pillows. Helps facilitate blood flow and relaxation for mama and baby to assist her in a healthier pregnancy and delivery.
Postpartum Massage – Help get your body back into alignment after pregnancy and delivery
Coaching – Helping you clear out old unconscious patterns and programs that are making you feel stuck and integrate new ones that will help you move forward to create what you want in life.
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Something For Everyone!
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Amy is passionate about providing compassionate bodywork to help people in their path of healing. She works with a variety of modalities as a licensed massage therapist, certified foot zone practitioner, MART specialist, Arvigo® abdominal massage Practitioner, and certified in manual lymph drainage along with being a trained doula. She is also a certified coach practitioner in NLP, Time Line therapy,® and hypnosis and trained in the Simply Aligned energy technique. She particularly enjoys assisting women in all aspects and phases of womanhood. However, she happily works with a variety of clients of all ages, genders and circumstances with their healing.
She relishes her role as a mother of 7 fabulous children and grandmother to 5 darling granddaughters and 1 grandson. She treasures spending time with her family, being at the ocean, and traveling to new places. She loves and enjoys her work, especially the amazing clients that she is able to serve as she assists them in their healing journey.
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Schedule an appointment
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60 minutes $100
90 minutes $150
120 minutes $200
to schedule text Amy at 801-787-1511 or call and leave a message
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Client Experiences
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I discovered Amy through the recommendation of a friend after pinching a nerve in my back. I’d been bedridden for a few days and was capable of very limited movement. The pain was more than I thought I could handle. I wanted to do more than simply get a shot to mask the pain. Rather, my goal was to heal and strengthen my back.
I knew going in that a treatment from Amy would not be a simple massage and that some discomfort would be involved, but I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect and was nervous. There was no need!
Amy has a way of connecting with her clients that totally puts us at ease. She’s able to get in and work on the body {on multiple layers of muscle}, to help it all realign and to alleviate pain.
There were a couple moments during the first appointment where just shifting on the massage table caused my back to seize. Both times this occurred, Amy instantly applied a gentle pressure exactly where needed to provide the support that my back was screaming for. The woman knows what she’s doing. That provided me with such confidence and comfort!
I’m not sure how she managed it, but her work and techniques have remarkably helped my body heal. I now go to her a couple times a month to continue our progress and work through older issues and injuries. This has truly been a life-changing experience! I’m not sure how I would have made it through without her.
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Amy has been working on me for over a year and I will continue to go regularly because of her intuitive nature regarding my body and what it needs to continue functioning well and without pain. Another thing that sets Amy apart from other therapists is that she also considers the emotional and mental state of her clients and often brings meditation and other types of relaxation into her sessions. Every single time I leave a session, I feel better in every way and am better ready to face my day. I hope to continue seeing Amy for years to come!
[/et_pb_testimonial][et_pb_testimonial author=”Rachel” portrait_url=”http://amyhansenlmt.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/water-lily-362201_1280.jpg” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”]
Amy Hansen has helped me through many trials in my life, both physical and emotional. I would and have recommended her to anyone and everyone who would like to feel like they have a better handle on their li.fe. She has changed my life and I thank her profusely for that
[/et_pb_testimonial][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_testimonial author=”Haley” portrait_url=”http://amyhansenlmt.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/spring-1360468_1280.jpg” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”]
I have had lower back/right hip problems since September 2019. I tried every conventional and alternative medical method such as physical therapy, several visits with sports medicine doctors, acupuncture, chiropractors, and I wasn’t getting better – until I met Amy. She has provided me with such great muscle rehabilitation and I have renewed hope that I can function and exercise normally again. Her methods have been – by far – the most effective and helpful. I highly recommend her to anyone with any type of pain. She is very attentive to my needs and listens to me. I appreciate her enthusiasm for her profession and her friendliness at each visit. Make it a priority to go see her. You won’t be disappointed!
[/et_pb_testimonial][et_pb_testimonial author=”Roxanna” portrait_url=”http://amyhansenlmt.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/lotus-614421_1280.jpg” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”]
Amy’s massages work rejuvenating magic on me! She has a very grounding and intuitive nature that flows through her hands when she works. Thank you, Amy
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